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Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Terms of Service and Intellectual Property

This website (referred to as the “Site”) is managed by TNSOLS LTD, operating under the name “” (“COMPANY,” “we,” or “us”). By accessing and using the website, you agree to comply with these Terms of Services and to use the website in alignment with these Terms, our Privacy Policy, and any additional terms that may apply to specific areas of the website or products and services offered.

Your website use, whether through direct interaction or automated methods, indicates your acceptance of these Terms of Services.

We retain the right to amend these Terms of Services or introduce new conditions for using the website. Any such updates will be posted on this website. Continued use of the website after changes are posted constitutes your acceptance of the revised Terms of Services.

Intellectual Property

All content and materials available on the website are protected by intellectual property laws and are owned by COMPANY or its licensors. Unauthorized reproduction or use of any content from the Site is strictly prohibited.

Our Limited License to You

This statement outlines the intellectual property rights associated with the website and its materials. Here’s a summary:

  • Ownership: The website and its materials are owned by the company or its affiliates and are protected by intellectual property laws, including copyright and trademark.
  • Permitted Use: The website is intended for personal, non-commercial use only. Users are not allowed to use the site or its materials in a way that infringes on the company’s rights or that is not explicitly authorized.
  • Restrictions: Users cannot modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works from, or distribute any material from the site without permission.
  • Limited Rights: Users are allowed to download and print individual pages of the website for personal, non-commercial use, as long as all copyright and proprietary notices are preserved.

Essentially, users must respect the intellectual property rights of the website and its materials, and any use beyond what is explicitly permitted requires authorization.

Your license to us

Submission of Material and Intellectual Property Rights

By providing any content—such as comments, blog posts, social media updates, photos, or videos—to us through the website, internet groups, social media platforms, or via email or other communication methods, you affirm the following:

  1. Ownership and Consent:
    • You confirm that you either own the content or have obtained explicit permission from the owner to submit it.
    • You must be at least 13 years old to submit material.
  2. License Grant:
    • By submitting content, you grant us a worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive license to use, modify, reproduce, distribute, and publicly display your submission in any medium, now known or developed in the future.
    • This license includes the right to use any proprietary rights related to your submission, such as copyright or trademark rights.
  3. Work Created for Us:
    • Contributions created specifically for us are considered “work made for hire,” and we will own the copyright from the moment of creation.
    • If a submission does not qualify as “work made for hire,” you irrevocably assign all rights, including copyright and trademark rights, to us without additional payment.
    • Any reproductions of your previous works will be co-owned by us.
  4. Use and Display:
    • We have the right to use or display any submissions at our discretion and may choose to stop using them at any time.

Linking and Framing:

  1. Hyperlinking:
    • You may create a hyperlink to our site, provided it does not suggest or imply any endorsement or sponsorship by us.
  2. Framing and Inlining:
    • Framing, inlining, or incorporating any content from our site into another website or service requires our prior written consent.


  1. Third-Party Links:
    • Links to third-party websites on our site do not imply our endorsement of those sites or their content. We do not control or assume responsibility for third-party information, products, or services.
  2. No Warranties:
    • Our website and its content are provided on an “as is” basis. We disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
    • We do not guarantee that the website will be free from interruptions or errors, that defects will be corrected, or that the website is free from viruses or other harmful elements.
  3. Indemnification:
    • You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us and our affiliates harmless from any claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses, including legal fees, arising from your breach of these terms.

Online commerce

Purchasing Third-Party Products and Services

Certain areas of our website may provide options to buy products and services offered by third parties. We are not responsible for the quality, accuracy, timeliness, or reliability of these third-party products and services. When you purchase through our website or via a link to another site, any information you provide, such as credit card details and contact information, may be collected by both the merchant and us. Each merchant may have different privacy and data handling practices, and we are not accountable for these separate policies.

Purchasing through our Site may involve additional terms and conditions specific to the product or service. For more details about a merchant’s practices or any additional terms, please visit the merchant’s website or reach out to them directly. By making a purchase, you agree to release us and our affiliates from any claims or damages related to transactions with third parties via our website.

Interactions with Third Parties

Any interactions, communication, or transactions with third parties accessed through our website are solely between you and the third party. We are not liable for any issues, losses, or damages resulting from these dealings.

Responsibility and Website Usage

You are responsible for all purchases made on our website by you or someone authorized by you. The website is intended for personal use only and not for commercial purposes. You must not use the website for speculative, fraudulent, or deceptive activities or to create demand for any product or service. When purchasing for someone else, you must have their explicit consent to share their personal information.

Personal Use and Access Management

Purchases are for personal use only, and sharing of purchased content is prohibited and may be considered a violation of copyright laws, potentially leading to legal consequences.

If a payment issue occurs with a course subscription, access to premium content will be suspended until the issue is resolved. We will attempt to contact you to assist with resolving the payment problem and will restore access once the payment issue is addressed.

Interactive Features

Our website may offer various interactive elements, such as bulletin boards, blogs, chat rooms, and email services, which enable users to provide feedback and engage with each other in real time. Responsibility for the content shared on these platforms—whether through public posting areas, chat rooms, or email services—rests solely with the user. We do not control the content submitted by users or others through these features. By using these interactive elements, you agree to these Terms of Service and agree not to:

  • Restrict or prevent other users from enjoying the website.
  • Impersonate any individual or entity, or falsely claim an affiliation with anyone.
  • Disrupt or interfere with the servers or networks that support the website, or disregard any network policies or regulations.
  • Use the website to promote or encourage illegal activities, or to cause harm or damage to individuals or property.
  • Gain unauthorized access to the website or any connected systems or networks through hacking, password mining, or other illegal methods.
  • Obtain or attempt to access materials or information not intentionally provided through the Site.
  • Post or transmit any content that is illegal, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, or otherwise inappropriate, including material that could lead to criminal or civil liability or violate any laws.
  • Share content that infringes on others’ rights, including privacy, copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights, without proper authorization.
  • Upload or distribute any content containing viruses or other harmful components.
  • Use the website for commercial exploitation, advertising, or solicitation without our prior written consent.
  • Collect email addresses or personal information from other users for marketing purposes without permission.

Our website may host message boards, chat rooms, and other public forums. Users who violate these terms may be banned from these areas and refused future access. We reserve the right to remove or modify user-generated content at our discretion. The forums are intended for discussion and may include content from our staff, external contributors, or anonymous users. We do not endorse or validate opinions or information posted by third parties and are not liable for any issues arising from reliance on such content. The views expressed in these forums are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of our company or its affiliates.

While we are not obligated to monitor these interactive features, we reserve the right to do so at our discretion. We may also alter, edit, remove, or refuse to post any content as needed and may disclose the content and the context of its submission to comply with laws, regulations, or legal requests, or to protect our interests and those of our users and partners.

We sometimes offer access to an online community as part of our programs. To ensure the community remains valuable, we reserve the right to remove any member at any time if necessary. Although rare, this policy underscores our commitment to maintaining the quality of our community.


To access certain features of the website, we may request demographic information such as your gender, birth year, zip code, and country. Additionally, if you choose to register for specific features like chat rooms, blogs, or forums, you may be required to provide personally identifiable information, such as your name and email address. You agree to submit accurate, current, and complete information during registration. If we have reason to believe that the information provided is false, inaccurate, or incomplete, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account and deny future access to the website. These Terms of Service apply. The handling of any personal information you provide during registration will be governed by our Privacy Policy.


To use certain features of the website, you’ll need to create a username and password. You’re responsible for keeping your account details private and for any activities that happen under your account. If you notice any unauthorized use or security issues, please notify us right away and remember to log out after each session. We are not responsible for any loss or damage if you don’t protect your account information.

Limitation of Liability

We, along with our subsidiaries, parent companies, and affiliates, are not responsible for any direct or indirect damages, including special or consequential damages, that result from your use or inability to use the website. This includes issues related to our messaging, blogs, comments, products, services, or third-party materials available on the website, even if we were warned about potential damages in advance. These Terms of Service apply. Some states may not allow certain limitations on liability, so this may not apply to you, but where it does, our liability is limited to the maximum extent allowed by law.

You agree that we are not liable for any harmful, offensive, or illegal conduct by any user. If you’re unhappy with the website or anything on it, your only option is to stop using it and any related products or services.

We do not offer investment advice, personalized financial advice, or act as financial advisors. Our website is for educational purposes only, and the information provided should not be considered as financial, tax, legal, or investment advice. It’s not an offer to buy or sell anything or a recommendation of any company, security, or fund. Don’t rely on our information for making investment decisions.

We encourage you to consult with tax, legal, or financial professionals before acting on any information you find on our website. The website is always being updated, and we don’t guarantee that the information is accurate, complete, or suitable for any particular purpose.

You acknowledge that no promises or guarantees have been made by us or our affiliates regarding potential income, expenses, sales, or profitability from participating in this program.


We reserve the right to cancel or terminate your access to the website or any part of it at any time without notice. If your access is canceled or terminated, you will no longer be allowed to use the affected parts of the website. Any restrictions on material you’ve downloaded from the website, as well as the disclaimers and limitations of liability outlined in these Terms of Service, will still apply even after termination.

Refund Policy

When you purchase a product, service, or event ticket, a refund may or may not be available. The refund policy for each specific product, service, event, or course will be clearly stated and may vary.


The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) offers protection to copyright owners who believe their work has been unlawfully used online. If you believe that material hosted by the COMPANY infringes your copyright, you or your representative can send a notice to the COMPANY requesting the removal of the material or blocking access to it. However, any notice that does not comply with the DMCA’s requirements will not be considered valid and will not provide the COMPANY with actual knowledge of the alleged infringement. If you believe a copyright infringement notice was filed against you in error, you can send a counter-notice under the DMCA. Both notices and counter-notices must meet the current statutory requirements outlined by the DMCA, which can be found at You can reach COMPANY’s Copyright Agent for notices at

This Agreement is binding and benefits COMPANY and its assigns, successors, heirs, and legal representatives. You cannot transfer any rights under this Agreement without COMPANY’s prior written consent. However, COMPANY may freely assign its rights and obligations to any affiliated entity or wholly-owned subsidiary.

These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of the State of California, and any disputes will be resolved through binding arbitration in California. Suppose any part of this Agreement is found to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable. In that case, that part will be severed from the Agreement, and the remaining provisions will continue to be valid and enforceable.


We might update this policy at any time. If we do, we’ll post the changes on this page of our Website.

If you have any questions about privacy at any websites operated by TNSOLS LTD. or about our website practices, please contact us at: