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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

TNSOLS LTD. is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring the security of your personally identifiable information as you use our website. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, safeguard, and use the information we obtain from you. By using this website, you consent to the practices described in the current Privacy Policy. We also recommend reviewing our Terms of Use to understand the general terms that govern your use of the site, as well as any specific conditions that may apply to certain services or sections.

What is Non-Personal Information, and How is it Collected and Used?

Non-personal information consists of data that does not reveal your identity. When you visit our website to access content or learn about our services, we may collect non-personal data from your web browser. Since this type of information cannot be used to identify you or link back to you personally, there are no restrictions on how we can utilize or share it.

What is Personal Information, and How is it Collected?

Personal information includes details that can identify you as an individual, such as your name, mailing address, email address, phone number, and fax number. We may collect personal information from you in various ways, including:

  • When you submit an application or form to us
  • During transactions with us, our affiliates, or other parties
  • When we gather information related to a transaction, such as credit card details
  • Through specific sections of our website where you might provide personal information to receive certain updates, purchase products or services, or engage in other activities

Do We Use Cookies?

Yes, we use cookies and similar technologies like web beacons to gather information on our website. Cookies are small text files stored on your device by a web server, designed to make your browsing experience easier by remembering your preferences and details. For instance, if you register on our site, cookies help us recall your information during future visits, making it simpler to use features like billing or shipping.

Web beacons are tiny images that track your online activity, such as the type of browser you’re using, your IP address, and when you view specific content. These beacons allow us to monitor how you navigate our site and interact with emails, helping us improve our services.

We also partner with third-party vendors who may use cookies to track and analyze anonymous usage data. This helps us enhance the user experience and manage site content. These third parties may use persistent cookies, and while we don’t share your personal information with them, they may use data about your visits to customize advertisements based on your interests.

You have the option to accept or decline cookies through your browser settings. However, declining cookies may limit your ability to use some features of our site effectively.

How does TNSOLS use your personal information?

TNSOLS uses the personal information we collect to provide you with access to our website, products, and services, respond to your inquiries, process payments, and offer continued support. We may also reach out to you with updates about our products or services, or those of other companies, and ask for your feedback. Additionally, we use your information for record-keeping, analysis, research, and to improve our offerings.

We might combine information collected online with data you’ve provided through other sources. If we remove personal identifiers like your name or email, the data becomes non-personal, allowing us to use it more freely. We may also use your information to protect our rights, ensure safety, and comply with legal obligations.

Does TNSOLS Share Personal Information with others?

TNSOLS does not share your personal information with unrelated third parties without your consent, except as stated in our Privacy Policy. However, we may share your information with companies we hire to perform services on our behalf. These third parties are only allowed to use your information for the services they provide to us and are not permitted to keep, disclose, or use it for any other purpose.

We do not sell, trade, or publish your personal information, except in the event of a corporate sale, merger, or acquisition. In some cases, third-party vendors (such as credit card companies or banks) may collect personal information directly from you to assist with transactions. While we don’t control how these third parties use your information, we request that they disclose their practices before collecting your data.

If you submit a review through our Facebook Fan Review Application, we will ask for your permission to collect basic information like your name and email, which we then share with the third party for whom you are writing the review.

We may be legally required to release your personal information in response to a court order, subpoena, or other legal obligations. Additionally, we may disclose your information if necessary to protect our rights or property, ensure someone’s safety, or comply with legal processes.

Occasionally, third-party advertisers may place ads on our website. If you interact with these ads or share information with the advertisers, please note that their privacy practices are not covered by our Privacy Policy. We recommend reviewing the privacy policies of these advertisers to understand how they handle your personal information.

How is Personal Information used for Communications?

We may use your personal information to contact you via email, mail, or telephone with updates about programs, products, services, or content that may interest you. Additionally, if you use an online form to communicate with us and request a response, we may reply via email, which might include your personal information. Please note that while we strive to protect your data, we cannot guarantee that our emails will be completely secure from unauthorized access.

TNSOLS is committed to Data Security

TNSOLS takes data security very seriously. To summarize:

  1. Data Security Measures: TnSols uses secure servers and SSL connections for online credit card transactions.
  2. Industry Standards Compliance: They adhere to the latest industry standards for data protection.
  3. Billing Information Handling: All billing information, including credit card details, is promptly deleted after the completion or termination of a client project.

These practices help ensure the protection of both online and offline information, and they emphasize the importance of maintaining data accuracy and security.

TNSOLS Is Committed To Protecting Children’s Privacy Online

TNSOLS takes children’s privacy very seriously. They do not collect or maintain information from anyone under 13, and their website is not designed to attract users under that age or those under 18. If they discover that a minor has submitted personal information, they will delete it and refrain from using it. Additionally, they encourage parents and guardians to talk to their children about online privacy and the risks associated with sharing personal information on the internet.

Our Privacy Policy and Your Consent

By using our website, you consent to TnSols’ privacy policy.

If we have any changes to our privacy policy, they will be posted on this web page.

Your Privacy Choices and Rights

You do not need to provide any personal information in order to enjoy the majority of the features on our website. In addition, you can opt out of certain activities by sending us an opt-out email or by opting out within the activities themselves.

If you have any questions about privacy at any websites operated by TNSOLS LTD. or about our website practices, please contact us at: